Saturday, May 23, 2020
An Overview On Modern Day Entertainment - 1409 Words
An Overview On Modern Day Entertainment Introduction: Computer are not only revered for their practical utility, but also for their versatility, as they are often used for a source of entertainment. Computers lead way to the Internet, which in turn spawned social media sites, video streaming and video games. Websites such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter have gained so much traction in current day entertainment. A fun night out now consists of purely technological components: you begin movie night with an online streaming service, Netflix. After the movie, you decide to eat out. You determine where to eat by using Yelp, an online rating service. You go out with your friends, and take pictures of the occasion and post them on Facebook,†¦show more content†¦The reason behind the massive success of video gaming is that they dominate many platforms of entertainment. Video games possess a multitude of genres, and therefore appeals to a wide array of people. Video games can also be played on different technological means; there are c omputer games, console games and handheld games. There are many facets to the video game industry, and this allows them to be extremely flexible, and free to be as creative and innovative as they want to be. Other internet forms of entertainment also lend a hand to the realm of video gaming, Video streaming sites such as Youtube feature channels that play and exhibit games. ‘Youtube gamers’ such as Pewdiepie, Markplier and Game Grumps dominate Youtube. Gaming channels in general are the most popular forms of content on Youtube. The gaming community’s massive following on Youtube evinces the inherent popularity of video games today. What is an Independent Game Designer? Independent game designers developed Indie games. These Indie designers often consist of a small team of developers (or even a single individual!) that create video games without the financial backing of a major video game publisher such as Nintendo or Activision. The magic of Indie games is that despite having no publisher backing, they still manage to develop fantastic, profitable games. In fact, it would be wrong to state that Indie games possess a ‘cult’ following, asShow MoreRelatedWar on Terrorism769 Words  | 4 PagesThe War On Terrorism Every morning, millions of people around the world begin their day by reading the newspaper. News topics are constantly discussed in everyday life and remain the dominant topic of conversation between friends, family, and even strangers. It is our responsibility as a modern society to recognize all events that impact our lives and make others aware of them, and newspapers as well as the general media allow us this opportunity. 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What made Picasso revolutionary wasRead MoreThe Rossafella Records Label Inc1448 Words  | 6 PagesSummary The Rossafella Records Label (RRL) is an independent, multifaceted record label that aims to produce high quality audio and visual entertainment to a diverse audience across both national and international borders. Located in Bondi, Sydney (NSW); RRL, will aim to capitalise on the growing music market across the country by bringing talented local acts to the forefront of the Australian music scene by allocating time and resources to their projects. In doing this it is of the best interestRead MoreMovie Marketing Plan1393 Words  | 6 Pages with which they want to establish themselves as the institution with uncompromising creativity. Basically, there are two markets in Nepali movies industry: 1. The mass market 2. The class market The basic need of the market is pure entertainment. Yet the need for movies that makes people to think, the genre based movies, to be specific, is evolving. This need for quality movies for fewer but thinking and alert audience belonging to the class market is to be addressed by the introductionRead MoreModern Day Theatre1781 Words  | 8 PagesThe modern day theatre can vary in many different architectural designs, including size and shape. For example, the Scottish Royal Concert Hall, which is a larger rectangular room with low tiered seating, has a vastly different structure compared to the Royal Albert Hall with it s circular structure and towering audience section. Yet both have exceptional acoustics thanks to the structural integrity of each building and the aid of modern day technology such as; microphones, acoustically treated
Monday, May 18, 2020
Why Juveniles Should Be Legal - 1649 Words
Criminals are on foot everyday around the United States and other parts of the world. Whether they are young children, adults, seniors, or any kind of human being, crimes are committed everyday by people who look like a bad influence or others that look innocent walking down the streets who have never committed a crime before. Juveniles ages 7-15 should not be sentenced to life without parole for crimes they commit because it would not be fair for them to spend the rest of their lives in jail for committing a mistake. Reasons can be found on why juveniles should be left inside a cell and arguments can build up if people disagree with one another. Some adults commit crimes and are left with freedom after a satisfied amount of time locked up. Young teenagers can still be immature and do not have the mind to think like a regular human being. Young people also do not know what is wrong or right to do since they are not of legal age. Some teenagers are also not fully educated yet for they might have grown up without parents to yell at them to lead them through the right path. Most juveniles are barely in middle school and have not really learned anything about the real outside life yet. Juveniles that are sentenced for a reasonable amount of time can also be rehabilitated once they are out of prison so they can be leaded to the right path again without having to be locked up. Many young men are in rehabilitation centers because they disobey their parents or because they are drugShow MoreRelatedWhy Juveniles Should Not Be Legal1254 Words  | 6 Pages Juvenile Crimes in the United States Nachamada Roya Simon 250798336 SOC 2206B Section 570 March 8 2016 Professor Catherine Gelinas Introduction The proposed study is a cross-sectional research about why juveniles should not be put to trial and convicted in adult court and the factors that affect why they would be convicted in adult courts. The study would be conducted in two parts with both quantitative and qualitative methods. The first part of the study would be conducted in a juvenileRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Juveniles1016 Words  | 5 Pagesthat many juveniles are being sentenced and tried unfairly in the court. Many believed that children as young as twelve should be treated differently than an adult who commit the same crime, but that’s not what’s happening today. Young children are not the same as an adult in many ways, so they should not be put in jail for life if they commit a crime. Nobody really deserve to be put into a jail for the rest of their life, especially a young kid. It is injustice to sentenced juveniles, who committedRead MoreCriminal Crime : A Crime, Assault, Burglary, A nd Assault1476 Words  | 6 Pagesthose that are â€Å"model citizens.†Felony crime is characterized by the Department of Justice as â€Å"crime, assault, burglary, and attack†(Legal Dictionary). According to the Uniform Crime Report, property crime is number one of the crimes committed by persons under the age of 18. Property crime is also high in numbers for children age 15 and under. Although juveniles arrested for violent crimes have decreased from 2013 to 2014 by 3.8 percent, these crimes are still being committed (Uniform Crime ReportRead MoreThe Origins Of Juvenile Justice1385 Words  | 6 Pagesthe origins of juvenile justice, from the house of refuge to the juvenile programs of today. Ans: In the early nineteenth century, the idea of reforming youth offenders took root in the United States. The House of Refuge in New York, which opened in 1824, was the first juvenile house of reform in the United States. This was the first attempt to house juvenile offenders in a separate facility and other States, like Maryland, would soon follow suit. The idea was not to punish juveniles offenders as adultsRead MoreJuvenile Justice : A Difficult Area For Law Enforcement Essay1538 Words  | 7 PagesJuvenile justice can be a difficult area for law enforcement. This is said because unlike adult offenders in the criminal justice system, the juvenile justice is about reform rather than incarceration. The thought process behind juvenile justice is to help these children to become better adults, not only for their community, but also for their workforce as well. There are some rules when handling delinquents. A great example would be an adult who has a public intoxication and has t o spend a nightRead MoreEssay on Life Without Parole for Juveniles956 Words  | 4 Pagesbanned the use of life without parole for juveniles who committed non-homicide crimes, and Roper v. Simmons (2005) abolished the use of the death penalty for juvenile offenders. They both argued that these sentences violated the 8th Amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. While these landmark cases made great strides for the rights of minors passing through the criminal justice system, they are just the first steps in creating a juvenile justice system that takes into considerationRead MoreJuveniles As A Victim Of A Crime Essay1570 Words  | 7 PagesJuveniles Juveniles come in contact with the law and law enforcement everyday, but it is important to understand how to deal with these individuals. Oftentimes juveniles can be a victim of a crime, or even a suspect in a crime, and it is necessary to learn how to effectively communicate with these individuals. Children and juveniles have a different language set, understanding of law, mindset, and even a different way of coping compared to their adult counterparts. Officers dealing with these youngerRead MoreThe Legal Age Of Juvenile Justice1648 Words  | 7 PagesJuvenile justice is the area of criminal law applicable to persons not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts (Juvenile Justice. (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2014)[1]. A â€Å"crime†is any act or omission of an act in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it (Criminal Law. (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2014)[1]. The legal age limit for who is considered to be juvenile varies from state to st ate, although many states have set the legal age limit at 18. Once a child hasRead More Recognizing Our Rights1136 Words  | 5 PagesWe as citizens should recognize that any of our rights in the Constitution is subjected to continual interpretation by our courts, especially by the United States Supreme Court. As of today, our Sixth Amendment still allows us as American citizens to â€Å"Due Process†, as well as other important rights. This particular right requires police and government officials to recognize our due process rights, especially as suspects during an arrest, questioning, and handling. During an arrest and prior toRead MoreJuvenile Competency to Stand Trial Essay1074 Words  | 5 PagesJuvenile Competency to Stand Trial The Supreme Court has long considered competency to be a right of the criminal defendant in court. In many areas, insanity has been a criminal defense with a significant history. However, in the early part of this century, adult protections, including the competency requirement and common defenses like insanity, were not added into the juvenile court system. Because juvenile courts were established to protect juveniles from the rigors of adult court
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Future Perfect Tense in Italian
â€Å"In two years, I will have learned Italian.†How do you express a sentence like that in Italian? You use a tense called il futuro anteriore, or the future perfect tense in English. You’ll notice that it looks similar to the il futuro semplice, the simple future tense, but has an extra addition. Here’s what that sentence above will look like: Fra due anni, sarà ² riuscito/a ad imparare l’italiano. If you’re familiar with the future tense, you’ll notice the â€Å"sarà ²Ã¢â‚¬ , which is the first person conjugation of the verb â€Å"essere - to be†. Immediately after, you’ll see another verb â€Å"riuscire - to succeed at/to be able to†in a past participle form. (If you’re not sure a past participle is, take a look at this article. It’s basically just the form a verb changes to when you need to talk about something that happened in the past. Other examples you might recognize are â€Å"mangiato†for the verb â€Å"mangiare†and â€Å"vissuto†for the verb â€Å"vivere†.) I’ll give you a few examples first and then we’ll break down how you can start forming and using the futuro anteriore. Esempi Alle sette avremo già mangiato. - By seven well already have eaten.Noi avremo parlato al padre di Anna. - We will already have spoken to Annas father.Marco non à ¨ venuto alla festa, sarà stato molto impegnato. - Marco didn’t come to the party, he must have been very busy. When to Use It Typically you’ll use this verb tense when you’re talking about an action in the future (like you having already eaten) before something else happens (like it being 7 PM). You can also use it when you’re unsure about something that’s happening in the future or that happened in the past, like you thinking that the reason Marco didn’t come to the party was because he was busy. In this case, other words that you could use instead of forming the futuro anteriore would be â€Å"forse - maybe†, â€Å"magari - maybe†or â€Å"probabilmente - probably†. How to Form the Futuro Anteriore As you saw above, the futuro anteriore is created when you combine a future tense conjugation (like sarà ²) with a past participle (like riuscito), which makes it a compound tense. To be more specific though (and easier on you), there are only two verbs that you can use in the future tense conjugation spot, and they are the auxiliary verbs avere or essere. Take a look at the two tables below that show you the future tense conjugations for the verbs â€Å"essere - to be†and â€Å"avere - to have†. Essere - To Be Sar - I will be Saremo - We will be Sarai - You will be Sarete - You all will be Sar - He/she/it will be Saranno - They will be Avere - To Have Avr - I will have Avremo - We will have Avrai - You will have Avrete - You all will have Avr - He/she/it will have Avranno - They will have How Do You Choose Between â€Å"Essere†and â€Å"Avere†?| When you’re deciding which auxiliary verb to use -- either â€Å"essere†or â€Å"avere†-- you use the same logic as you would when you’re choosing â€Å"essere†or â€Å"avere†with the passato prossimo tense. So, as a quick reminder, reflexive verbs, like sedersi - to sit oneself, and most verbs that are related to mobility, like â€Å"andare - to go†, â€Å"uscire - to go out†, or â€Å"partire - to leave†, will be paired with â€Å"essere†. Most other verbs, like â€Å"mangiare - to eat†, â€Å"usare - to use†, and â€Å"vedere - to look†, will be paired with â€Å"avere†. Andare - To Go Sar andato/a - I will have gone Saremo andati/e - We will have gone Sarai andato/a - You will have gone Sarete andati/e - You (all) will have gone Sar andato/a - He/she/it will have gone Saranno andati/e - They will have gone Mangiare - To Eat Avr mangiato - I will have eaten Avremo mangiato - We will have eaten Avrai mangiato - You will have eaten Avrete mangiato - You (all) will have eaten Avr mangiato - He/she/it will have eaten Avranno mangiato - They will have eaten Esempi Quando avrà ² finito questo piatto, verrà ² da te. - When I will have finished this dish, I will go to your place.Sarai stata felicissima quando hai ottenuto la promozione! - You must have been/I imagine you were happy when you got the promotion!Appena avrà ² guardato questo film, te lo darà ². - As soon as I have watched this movie, I will give it to you.Riuscirai a parlare l’italiano fluentemente quando avrai fatto molta pratica. - You will succeed at speaking Italian fluently when you will have practiced it a lot.Appena ci saremo sposati, compreremo una casa. - As soon as we are married, we will buy a house.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critically Evaluate the Main Potential Advantages and...
Which way to grow? The question is, should the company expand horizontally or should the company diversify or expand vertically? There is no clear cut answer to this question. There are advantages and pitfalls to each of these methods and there are many examples of organisation where a certain choice has proven extremely profitable and vice versa. This essay will provide advantages and disadvantages of horizontal expansion by comparing it with vertical and diversified growth. The reader will be presented with the facts and at the end will be allowed to make his own decision. One major deciding factor on growth strategy will be the organisations long term strategy and the behaviour of the Markets, and its competitors. Horizontal†¦show more content†¦BMW have also started to offer financial services in the UK. Horizontally expanded companies are extremely vulnerable to fall in sales and cyclical downturns. Advantage of diversification is that the firm can provide a stable profit stream by offsetting losses in one area to increasing profits in another area. The obvious reason for horizontal expansion is the benefit of cost reduction. As the firm increases its scale of operation it generally experiences a reduction in long-run average costs. After the merger the company can rationalise its operation which leads to instant reduction in overheads. But it’s important not to become to big that leads to diseconomies of scale. Another reason for the reduction in costs is due to the benefit attributed to the learning curve. The learning curve was responsible for the reason why European plan manufacturers could not compete with Boeings’ production efficiency in the 1950s. A firm producing 100 units a day learn faster then a firm producing 10 units a day. A company can also improve its efficiency by merging with a company that already has benefited from the learning curve. The question is how easy the knowledge can be transferred? One major disadvantage of firm that has only expanded horizontally is that it becomes reliant on it suppliers and distributor. 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To be able to attain the merger objectives of achieving synergy, reducing cost of operations and improving market performance and profitability of the joint iii  operations and other performance benefits, the company should strengthen its business processes, restructure its capital base and improve its cash operation cycle.               iv  DEDICATION To my parents, Mama Afua Daalon Seidu and the late Seidu Lienyuri Read MoreAnswer Key - Fund. of Management Chpt 1-7 Essay10238 Words  | 41 Pagesare so closely interrelated, understanding the fine balance between them is an important part of how you become an effective manager. 3. Using any of the popular business periodicals (such as BusinessWeek, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company), find examples of managers doing each of the four management functions. Write up a description and explain how these are examples of that function. Answer - Students answers will vary depending on the articles selected, but each should include
Algebra I Chapter Review Free Essays
Chapter Review 13–61 (Odds Only) on pp. 223–226 Solve each inequality. Graph your solutions. We will write a custom essay sample on Algebra I Chapter Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now 13. w + 3 gt; 9 W + 3 – 3 gt; 9 – 3 W gt; 6 15. -4 lt; t + 8 -4 – 8 lt; t + 8 – 8 t gt; -12 17. 22. 3 ? 13. 7 + h 22. 3 – 13. 7 ? 13. 7 – 13. 7 + h h ? 8. 6 19. You have at most $15. 00 to spend. You want to buy a used CD that costs $4. 25. Write and solve an inequality to find the possible additional amounts you can spend. a = Additional funds you can spend. a ? 15 – 4. 25 21. -6t gt; 18 -6t-6 gt; 18-6 t lt; -3 23. – h4 lt; 6 – h4 ? -4 lt; 6 ? -4 gt; -24 25. – 35n ? – 9 – 35n ? – 35 ? – 9 ? – 35 n ? 15 27. -17. 1m lt; 23. 8 -17. 1m ? -17. 1 lt; 23. 8 ? -17. 1 m gt; 1. 392 Solve each inequality. 29. 4k – 1 ? -3 4k – 1 + 1? -3 + 1 4k4 ? -24 k ? -0. 5 31. 3t gt; 5t + 12 3t – 5t gt; 5t – 5t + 12 -2t-2 gt; 12-2 t lt; -6 33. 4 + x2 gt; 2x 4 + x2 ? 2 gt; 2x ? 2 4 + x – x gt; 4x – x 43 gt; 3Ãâ€"3 1. 33 gt; x 35. 13. 5a + 7. 4 ? 85. 7 13. 5a + 7 . 4 – 7. 4 ? 85. 7 – 7. 4 13. 5a13. 5 ? 78. 313. 5 a ? 5. 8 37. A salesperson earns $200 per week plus a commission equal to 4% of her sales. This week her goal is to earn no less than $450. Write and solve an inequality to find the amount of sales she must have to reach her goal. 200 + . 04s ? 450 200 – 200 + . 04s ? 450 -200 .04s. 04 ? 250. 04 s ? $6,250 41. Suppose U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8}. What is B’? B’ = {1, 3, 5, 7} Solve each compound inequality. 43. 0 lt; -8b ? -6. 3 0-8 lt; -8b-8 ? -6. 3-8 0 gt; b ? .7875 45. 5m lt; -10 or 3m gt; 9 5m5 lt; -105 or 3m3 gt; 93 m lt; 2 or m gt; 9 47. 9. 1 gt; 1. 4p ? -6. 3 9. 11. 4 gt; 1. p1. 4 ? -6. 31. 4 6. 5 gt; p ? -4. 5 Solve each equation or inequality. If there is no solution, write no solution. 49. |y| = 3 y = 3, -3 51. 4 + |r + 2| = 7 r = 1, -5 53. |5x| ? 15 No solution. 55. |2x – 7| – 1 gt; 0 No solution. 57. The ideal length of a certain nail is 20mm. The actual length can vary from the ideal by at most 0. 4mm. Find the range of acceptable lengths of the nail. a = Acceptable lengths 19. 6mm lt; a lt; 20. 4mm Exer cises 59. Let P = {1, 5, 7, 9, 13}, R = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, and Q = {1, 3, 5}. Draw a Venn diagram that represents the intersection and union of the sets. P 9, 13 Q 1, 5 7 3 2, 4, 6, 8 R 61. There are 15 cats. Ten are striped and have green eyes. The rest of the cats have green eyes but are not striped. How many cats have green eyes but are not striped? 15 Total -10 Striped cats 5 With green eyes and no stripes How to cite Algebra I Chapter Review, Papers
Shakespeares Use of the Supernatural in Macbeth Essay Example For Students
Shakespeares Use of the Supernatural in Macbeth Essay Shakespeares use of the Supernatural in Macbeth The supernatural is widely used in Macbeth, and covers major sections of it. It is used to generate interest, and to provoke thought and controversy. At the time the play was written, James the 1st was the English monarch. James the 1st was originally James the 4th on the Scottish throne, until there was a union of crowns between England and Scotland in the late 16th century. Shakespeare wrote the play for him, so the play Macbeth is popularly known as the Scottish play. Also during this time there were many more occurrences when witches and heretics were burnt at the stake than at any period in history, because people believed they manufactured plagues, pestilence and famine through their black magic. When Shakespeare was writing the play, he wanted to impress the king and interest his audience on his stage, the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare did this by including the supernatural in his play. Both king and populous have always been intrigued by the horror of witches and the supernatural, but not as much as in the period of the 16th and 17th centuries. This was probably because of people wanting to be religiously purer and remove disease from society. In the 16th century many events occurred that were bizarre and impossible to explain so were blamed on the supernatural. Before James gained the crown of England as well as Scotland, witchcraft was already on the peoples minds. In 1563, parliament made law that making murder by witchcraft was punishable by death. Forty years later, any use of witchcraft was punishable by death. These laws were made by a protestant parliament, to protect the monarch from Roman Catholics, as witchcraft and rebellion went hand in hand. To prove to the public that witchcraft existed and was destructive to the cause of humanity came about through the death of the Earl of Derby in 1594. He was thought to be the victim of witchcraft. This also told the public that witchcraft and other such evils could affect any individual, or any class. This alarmed the king, and paranoia crept in. He had already burnt 8000 people at the stake in Scotland, so it was obvious he would burn others. Francis Stewart, Earl of Bothwell, was accused of conjuring spells against James. The most prime and famous example of witchcraft in England, however, occurred in 1590. This was when James and Anne were sailing from Denmark to Scotland. The Witches of Berwick were supposed to have tried to destroy Anne and James at sea by conjuring up storms and strong winds. As it has already been said, the Shakespearean audience believed a wide range of old wives tales. This made James write his book on the supernatural, Demonology, in 1597. Shakespeare may have consulted this on writing Macbeth. He also thought of audience reaction when writing Macbeth. The Shakespearean audience would of reacted in terror to the fact that there were three witches in front of them. In Shakespearean times, people believed in all manner of things, and thought that any witch is evil and would cast horrid and malicious magic on them. Nowadays the audience reaction would be almost a complete contrast. In the scale of things, the audience nowadays would not find it particularly scary, with perhaps the exception of infants and younger children yet still quite thrilling and weird. The audience nowadays does not have to be terrified of witches and black magic, as this is not a prime concern to them, unlike terrorism or nuclear war for example. However, despite these differences in society and contrasts of opinion, the supernatural still has the same effect on the audience. The supernatural generates interest, and entices people to watch the production. The weird appearance of the witches, who are mainly women with facial hair, would scare an audience in the 17th century yet genuinely poke some kind of confusion and thought into a 21st century mind. Obviously, one does not regularly see any women who are sporting beards, let alone three simultaneously. Shakespeare opens the play powerfully by introducing the three witches. This is powerful because of their strong yet evil magical powers that they have. The audience will start thinking whether or not the witches will use these powers, so dramatic tension is created. This scene is not only powerful, but also surreal, because of the witches unusual appearance, having beards and wearing tattered clothes, which make them look unusual and alien to earth. Banquo expresses this in a later scene: What are these, So withered, and so wild in their attire, That look not like th inhabitants o th earth, And yet are ont? The witches also confuse and interest the audience by their rhythmical and alliterative chants in the first scene. The chants are confusing and contradict each other. The three witches chant: Fair is foul and foul is fair. Foul and fair are both contrasting phrases, fair being good and foul being evil. What they are generally telling the audience is that good is evil and evil is good. This would shock some and confuse others. Either way, all the audience will think about what the witches have just said and listen to what they say next, trying to search for a solution to their problem. The language in this phrase makes it lively and gritty. The alliteration is there, and the inconsistency of their phrases which make them a paradox. The audience has already been told of chaos and bloody battles, in when the second witch proclaims: When the hurlyburlys done, When the battles lost and won. This battle could be of two fronts- Macbeths soul or his victory at Fife against the Thane of Cawdor and Sweno, the king of Norway. This could be giving an early indication to the audience that the weird sisters are possessing Macbeth, whoever he is. The witches have already chanted: When shall we three meet again, In thunder, lightning, or in rain? This tells the audience that the witches have an evil influence, as they only meet in bad weather. This could also tell people that the weird sisters might conjure up these floods and storms. At the end of the scene when the witches leave, they all say: Hover through the fog and filthy air. This is showing that they hover through the air as a mode of transport, which is magical, and suggests a dwelling evil presence. The air they travel through is filthy, as fog was considered bad air. The soul was thought to have been sucked out by the fog. Act 1 scene one has many purposes to the play of Macbeth. It could merely announce the time of the next meeting of the weird sisters: When shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning, or in rain? Or it could set a sinister scene for the rest of the play, creating suspense, and worry over the unknown person called Macbeth, as the witches engage in activities with destructive purpose. The next scene in which the supernatural is present, Macbeth finally appears. Macbeth has been talked about, by not only the weird sisters in act one scene one, but also Duncan and his advisors in act one scene two. The audience may be concerned about Macbeths well being, as he is linked to the three witches. The audience might also think about whether Macbeths appearance is demoniac, as if the witches have possessed him. The witches open the scene by asking each other what evil deeds they have been doing since their last meeting in act one scene one. The 2nd witch says: Killing swine. The witch is probably suggesting that she was killing a farmers stock of pigs, probably to ruin his livelihood and force him into suffering. After being prompted by the 3rd witch, the 1st witch says: A sailors wife had chestnuts in her lap, And munched, and munched, and munched-Give me, quoth I. Aroint thee witch, the rump-fed ronyon cries. Her husbands to Aleppo gone, master o th Tiger; But in a sieve Ill thither sail, And like a rat without a tail, Ill do, Ill do and Ill do. The first witch is expressing that she has a short temper, and expects to have it her own way, by getting things on demand. In this case, she wanted to have some if not all the chestnuts in this womans lap. The woman told her to get out, and as the witch describes the woman, she is an overweight scabby wretch who is rather spoilt. The womans husband is a sailor, and the witch says she will kill the captain of the ship. This was quite true, as the captain of her husbands ship, the Tiger, sunk near Milford Haven in 1606 after its Captain died mysteriously, probably of supernatural causes. This was the talk of London for some time, so the first witch must be telling the audience that she has a vengeful and malicious nature. To prove that the witch did do the deed, she says: Here I have a pilots thumb, Wrecked as homeward did he come. This is also proof that the witches are malicious, scheming old hags that only want to harm and hinder, not to help people as they might say they would. When the witches see Macbeth, they get excited and start chanting: A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come. And then: The Weird Sisters, hand in hand, Posters of the sea and the land, Thus do go about, about, Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine, And thrice again to make up nine. Peace, the charms wound up. This will definitely scare the audience, as the witches have wanted to meet Macbeth for probably malicious reasons since act one scene one. This dramatic tension has exploded into raw fear for him as the witches cast a spell when the unknown man named Macbeth arrives with his friend, Banquo. Macbeth says: So foul and fair a day I have not seen This could mean one of two things. Macbeth might have been possessed by the witches, as he has echoed what they said in act one scene one, lines 11-12. Alternatively, it could mean that Macbeth is describing the battle against the Norwegians at Fife. I would consider it most likely that Macbeth has been possessed, as the witches cast a spell on Macbeth before he arrived on the scene. When Macbeth and Banquo notice the witches, they are bemused, but not worried by them. Banquo clearly expresses this: What are these, So withered, and so wild in their attire, That look not like the inhabitants o th earth, And yet are ont? Both Macbeth and Banquo are obviously confused by the witches. They do not even know whether they are living creatures or not: Live you, or are you aught That man may question? Which Banquo then asks. They obviously do not know what kind of creatures the witches are, let alone whether they are alive. The pair also do not know whether the witches can speak or not, as Macbeth asks: Speak if you can. What are you? Then the witches speak three of the most famous lines in Macbeth, which predict the rest of the play: All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter! What the witches have said here is very extraordinary. The first line, which expresses Macbeths current title, is extraordinary as one would not normally know a mans full name, probably not that if he is a Thane or not unless he was dressed formally of course. The first line is correct, so Macbeth probably thinks that whatever they say next is completely believable. The witches then chant the second line, which tells him that he is Thane of Cawdor. This is not a surprise to the audience, as they had already learnt that in act one scene one. Then comes the shock. Macbeth is then told that after becoming Cawdor, he will become the King of Scotland. This turns Macbeth into an image of horror. He is probably so surprised by these statements, that all he can do is look shocked. Banquo tries to kick some sense into Macbeth: Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear Things that sound so fair? But unfortunately, Banquo realises Macbeth is already gone into a world of his own thoughts: My noble partner You greet with present grace, and great prediction Of noble having, and of royal hope, That he seems rapt withal. Banquo and Macbeth both believe that the witches are telling the truth, so Banquo asks the witches: If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow, and which will not, Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear Your favours nor your hate. Banquo is asking the witches what the seeds of time will do for him. The seeds of time were involved with the growth of spirit and matter, which was from tiny seeds planted in the ground by God. Evil spirits were thought to have the power to predict and foretell how these would develop. Macbeth Argumentative EssayThis is really down to Banquo knowing too much about Macbeth. Banquo says in his soliloquy that he would not talk about the meetings with the witches, but Macbeth thinks that he might. So unlucky Banquo gets twenty trenched gashes on his head, which is a very nasty death indeed. After Banquos death, there is a feast. This is the feast directly after the coronation, so the king and queen have to impress their guests with their lavish food and setting. Everyone has sat down except Macbeth, so Lennox says: Mayt please your highness sit. The party is running completely smoothly until this point. However, the supernatural kicks into Macbeths mind and Banquos ghost appears. Macbeth is the only person who can see this ghost. First Macbeth reacts so the feast can carry without any worries: Here had we now our countrys honour roofed Ross says that he is not here, so Macbeth thinks it could be a joke, and as the old saying goes, one is not amused: Which of you have done this? Obviously, the Lords do not know what as been done. Macbeth could be saying one of two things. Either he is asking who murdered Banquo, meaning he is somewhat playing along to cover the real story, or he is asking who played this trick, by putting Banquos dead body in his chair. The Lords ask Macbeth: What my good lord? Then insanity plunges into Macbeth: Thou canst not say I did it; never shake Thy gory locks at me. Macbeth is actually talking to the ghost at this point, as the ghost is looking at him and nodding his head accusingly. He is saying that he was not the one that actually stabbed Banquo, and tries to find some innocence. Ross thinks that Macbeth is mentally ill, so he is sympathetic: Gentlemen rise, his highness is not well. Lady Macbeth tries her hardest to save the situation, but fails. The scene carries on with the ghost reappearing and really scares Macbeth. However, Lady Macbeth realises that she cannot prevent Macbeth from going mad and so sends the lords home. This scene tells the audience that Macbeth is not the strong soldier he used to be, that he is in fact now a nervous wreck. After this scene Macbeth needs some kind of reassurance, that everything will be all right. This reassurance cannot be from a normal mortal, as they do not know of Macbeths link with the supernatural; any who do e. g. Lady Macbeth just ridicule him and think of it as a weakness, that he is not as much of a man anymore. Act 3 scene 5 is the next part in which the supernatural is involved. It is a short scene, and does not really affect the storyline particularly much. This is probably because that this scene was not considered to have been written by Shakespeare. It introduces a new character, Hecate, who is considered to be the head of witches, yet still deputy to Satan himself. The language in this scene is especially proof. Most of the play is in blank verse, yet this scene is in rhyme, and is not considered as gritty and horrid as Shakespeare. This scene shows Hecate, head of all witches, so she or he is supposed to be evil. However, she is angered by the witches actions towards Macbeth: How did you dare To trade and traffic with Macbeth In riddles and affairs of death Hecate is telling the witches to stop messing around with Macbeth, to stop telling him riddles and thither he will come to know his destiny. The witches now know that they will have to tell Macbeth what will happen to him. However, they do this with their own method. This scene will have informed the audience that the play is travelling towards its conclusion, that it is now all or nothing. Despite Hecate has only a small part in the play; she actually is quite a major character in terms of the storyline. Act 4 scene 1 is the next scene in the play for the supernatural. This is the final scene in which the witches take part. The last scenes of the play do not involve any supernatural characters, but they do involve the supernatural indirectly. At the start of the scene, the witches are making a broth. This involves them dropping items of their interest into their cauldron and casting spells. These items would horrify an audience if acted properly. Many of the items are stomach wrenching and disgusting to the extreme. Examples of this are: Eye of Newt Tongue of dog Lizards leg Howlets wing But worst of all: Finger of birth-strangled babe ditch-delivered by a drab The 4 body parts of the different animals would be disgusting to an audience as they could have been ripped off when the particular animal was alive. The animals are also considered quite disgusting. Newts and lizards have quite slimy skin, so the textures of the items are included as a stomach churner. The worst phrase, however, describes prostitute giving birth to a baby in a ditch, and then strangling it to death. This is terrible as the baby is unloved; the mother has no kind of care for it, and so kills it. Murdering babies is possibly the worst crime that an adult could do, as they should know that babies are defenceless, and whenever a baby is crying, a good person has maternal or paternal instincts that would get them to take care of it. I have seen this scene played by the Royal Shakespeare Company. This scene was dramatically effective, because the witches played their parts very effectively. The three actors gave their parts dramatic tension, especially when Macbeth arrives: I conjure you, by that which you profess, Howeer you come to know it, answer me. The witches give him an answer, which involves three ghostly images, or apparitions. Macbeth really needs to know what is to become of him, so says: Call em, let me see em. The first apparition is an armed head. There have been various interpretations of this, and there are two examples. This is Macduff. It warns Macbeth of a Scottish noble, the Thane of Fife: Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff; Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. Macbeth is grateful of the warning, and asks for more, probably being why he should fear him. The witches reply: He will not be commanded. After this, another apparition ascends to inform Macbeth: Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth This is more of a reassurance to Macbeth, as there are not many people born through Caesarean section, presumably meaning they are not of woman born. The next apparition is a crowned child with a tree in his hand. He reassures Macbeth by telling him: Be lion-mettled, proud and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until great Birnham wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him. Macbeth is almost completely confident he is invincible at this point, that almost nothing can get i n his way for a complete domination of the Scottish monarchy. This is not just for now but for years to come. However, the witches promised Banquo would be the father of all Scottish kings after Macbeth. Macbeth asks them: Shall Banquos issue ever Reign in this kingdom? The witches decide to let Macbeth see the line of Scottish kings, and who was the father. A show of eight kings appears. Regrettably, for Macbeth, the following individual who arrives to indicate who is the father of the line is Banquo. This plunges a dagger unswerving to the pits of Macbeths hopes and dreams: Horrible sight! Now I see tis true, For the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me, And points at them for his. The scene ends quite predictably, the witches disappearing and Macbeth wanting more answers. I consider this scene particularly dramatic because the witches seem to be telling Macbeth his destiny. Act 5 scene 1 is a scene to show how Lady Macbeth has coped with each murder, as she has not been seen since act 3 scene 4, when she was trying to calm Macbeth from his visions of Banquo. In this scene she has changed dramatically, as Macbeth has. She used to be a strong willed woman, as she was before Duncans murder. She did many things that many men would have the guts to do, let alone a woman with strong maternal instincts. Now she sleepwalks, and imagines as though she is talking to Macbeth. It looks now she is a nervous wreck, while Macbeth is on an emotional high, after the witches foretelling him to not be killed of someone woman born and when Birnham wood moves to Dunsinane. She echoes what Macbeth has said, being in the same emotion of regret and sorrow: The Thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now? What, will these hands neer be clean? She goes on to repeat herself: Heres the smell of blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Her very last line is possibly intended to be spoken to Macbeth: Come, come, come, give me your hand. Whats done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed. That was Lady Macbeths final scene before she commits suicide. In my opinion, I do not think Lady Macbeth killed herself directly because of the supernatural, but that she missed Macbeth being by her side. The pair must have had a close relationship, only for them to be driven apart, obviously by Macbeths need to quell the uprising from Malcolm and Macduff. Despite Macbeths promises from the witches, Macbeth is found not to be ultimately invulnerable. This is because Birnham wood does move to Dunsinane. This movement of the wood was under Malcolms instruction, who felt that he needed some kind of method to hide his army from the eyes of Macbeth, therefore producing a surprise attack on his castle. This did not deter Macbeth, however, as he had another promise to rely on. The second apparition told him that he could not be harmed of anyone woman born. Yet, to Macbeths misfortune, he fights somebody who is not born of woman, but through caesarean section. His name is Macduff, the very same person who had his family killed on Macbeths orders. The murder of Duncan is not entirely Macbeths fault. In fact, I do not consider Macbeth to have played a major part in the deed. The finger of blame is more towards the supernatural and Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeths part is pinpointed using the supernatural, so it is really the only party that can shoulder this responsibility. The end of the play ends wretchedly for Macbeth, which is a complete contrast to his beginning. This can also be said about the spectators response. He starts as a brave soldier, he finishes dead. He turned into a psychologically ailing coward, who cannot slay and relies on supernatural powers. The supernatural betrays him in the end, which can be particularly said about Act 4 scene 1. The witches tell him that he will be fine, as long as Birnham wood does not move to Dunsinane and he does not fight a man born from caesarean section. These are equivocations, or statements said to conceal the truth. This is true as the witches would have known if Macbeth had died or not, but told him the exact opposite, to lull him into a false sense of security. This is the evil in Macbeth, the supernatural, which drove to Duncan and Macbeths deaths. The language in Macbeth is compelling, as it is gritty and gives the characters great personalities. The language shows the witches are intelligent and devious, with their contradictory phrases and riddles. The blank verse that Shakespeare uses makes the play lyrical and attractive, and not just a lacklustre story. The language describes Macbeths change in emotions to the audience, which is thrilling and quite dramatic. I have seen numerous variations of the play Macbeth. The language in Macbeth is so good that directors can have diverse versions, versions to suit their opinions. I have seen Macbeth in the Globe Theatre and on video by the Royal Shakespeare Company. The Globe Theatres production was low budget, so there were few special effects. The Globe version I considered slightly bizarre, as many representations that I found strange and side tracking to the story. One representation was the famous sword fight between Macbeth and Macduff at the end of the play. In the RSCs version, the sword fight is done conventionally with swords. I consider this to generate a more dramatic and keener interest in it. The Globes version was represented with pebbles signifying their lives, and a weird hand tugging that I did not understand. If I directed the play, I would have gone for a more modern approach. Macbeth could be considered just as some kind of Shakespearean current affairs representation. Because of this, I consider that the witches could have some kind of terrorist guise. Biological and chemical weapons could replace the broth. I think this would be more dramatically effective for the audience. I would also get full use out of the lighting and special effects available in a more modern theatre.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Romantism In Victorian era Essay Example For Students
Romantism In Victorian era Essay Even though it was written in the Victorian era, Kate Chopin’s The Awakening has several romantic qualities, especially with the main character, as she struggles between society’s obligations and her own desires. Chopin writes about a woman who continues to reject the society around her, a notion too radical for Chopin’s peers. Edna Pontellier has the traditional role of both wife and mother, but deep down she wants something more, difficult to do in the restricted Victorian society. The typical Victorian woman maintained her sphere which deemed â€Å"women’s personal lives center around home, husband, and children. (Victorian Women, p. 118). Women were supposed to happily accept this position in the home, and be satisfied. It never satisfied Edna, who always seemed out of place when with other women. She was a wife and a mother, but not the typical Victorian wife and mother. With regards to her children, â€Å"Their absence was sort of relief†¦It seemed to free her of a responsibility which she blindly assumed and for which Fate had not fitted her†(p. 18). Already she is revealing ideas uncommon in the Victorian era. She tries to maintain her roles, but it is very difficult for her. As the story progresses, Edna focuses on her desires rather than what her husband wants. She refuses to participate in the traditional role given to her as a woman. The romantic notion of individualism comes out as Edna decides to go out on a Tuesday afternoon rather than receive visitors. When her husband finds out, he is extremely upset. â€Å"‘I should think that you’d understand by this time that people don’t do such things; we’ve got to observe les convenances if we ever expect to get on and keep up with the procession’†(p. 51). Edna disregards her husbands appeal to conform and continues to do what she wants. Victorian society was not ready for a novel whose main character disregards the norm for her own happiness. The rejection Chopin received was mainly due to Edna’s rejection of the traditions and the adultery aspect of the novel. Edna, caught up in a loveless marriage, resorts to adultery to keep herself satisfied. Edna follows her heart rather than reason when she pursues Robert Lebrun. In revealing her love for Robert, her romantic passion is expressed. â€Å"‘I love you,’ she whispered, ‘only you; no one but you. It was you who awoke me last summer out of a life – long, stupid dream†¦Oh! I have suffered, suffered! Now you are here we shall love each other, my Robert’†(p. 109). As the novel continues, Edna continues to feel trapped in the restricted environment and ultimately commits suicide to leave the world that will not let her leave her traditional role. Romanticism is evident as the novel ends and Edna completely rejects the Victorian ways. With Chopin’s ending, she creates an idea that her society can not accept. Edna tried to maintain her role as long as she could, but it became too much for her, and she needed to do the best thing. In her mind, that meant killing herself in the water which had no boundaries and restrictions.
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