Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Marking Time Essay
Stamping Time is an Australian small scale TV arrangement composed by John Doyle and was disclosed on ABC in 2003. It’s dependent on a humble community called Brakley. The story is told through the eyes of a multi year old named Hal. Hal experiences passionate feelings for an Afghani young lady, Randa, who as of late fled her own nation with her dad to get away from the Taliban. The two face prejudice and insults by their locale, whose perspectives are impacted incredibly by the media and government officials that are communicated during verifiable occasions occurring at that point. Not long after 9/11 occured, their house was determined to fire by pyro criminals. Hal’s family let them remain in their home and Randa required encouraging, yet Hal and Randa were found in bed together the following morning. Their displaced person status got later denied and they were orderd to come back to Afghanistan. Hal then went over oceans to search for her. This smaller than normal arrangement reflects what’s occurring on the planet during the years 2000 and 2001 by speaking to the modest community of Brakley as a microcosm. It shows the mentalities Australian’s have towards Asylum searchers. Hal is taught about what’s truly going on by his dad and his dads sweetheart and in this way see’s Randa for the individual she truly is, as opposed to only an outcast or ‘boatie’ evidently raising a ruckus. Every other person in Brackley don’t have the correct training and are thinking everything the media and lawmakers are stating about them. The point of this arrangement is to make us question the data we get took care of us, and to ideally change the suppositions we place on exiles. Stamping Time covers the occasions encompassing the Afghanistan war and Australia’s inclusion. This included verifiable and political occasions. These occasions incorporate The 2000 Olympic games and the re-appointment of the Howard government, The Tampa Crisis, the 9/11 Terrror assault and the Children Overboard undertaking. These occasions additionally remember the social perspectives for Brakley which drove the town to carry on in such manners. Australia was the host of the 2000 Olympic games. During this period there was a ton of clashing feelings seeing the displaced person strategy as more evacuees traveled our direction. There was additionally a ton of contention in regards to what Australia’s part in the war in Afghanistan was. These two integrated prompted doubt of different societies, particularly displaced people. Individuals had little information with what was happening in the war in Afghanistan and about evacuees and what they were experiencing. The social disposition towards what was going on was extremely blended. Individuals didn’t have the information for an alternate view point and they thought that it was difficult to comprehend what was happening, and how they ought to react. Government officials largy affect how a general public acts towards everything. It’s simple to accept what they state about anything, particularly if all the news were stating something very similar. The Prime Minister of the time, John Howard put the thoughts that George W Bush was utilizing in America on Australia. These thoughts were that exiles going to the nation were fear based oppressors.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Langston Hughes’ “As I Grew Older”
In â€Å"As I Grew Older,†Langston Hughes depicts the fight and steadiness for African-American’s opportunity however various illustrations. In the title and first refrain, Hughes thinks about his fantasy to a youngster becoming more established. A youngster is naturally introduced to the brilliant sun with the mentality with the sky is the limit. Be that as it may, as the youngster develops more seasoned, they face obstructions. Hughes additionally alludes to his objectives as â€Å"my dream,†which was not the same as the White-American's fantasy, communicating how close to home this fantasy is. In the second verse Hughes presents the divider, his deterrents and racial partition itself. He utilizes commas to additionally lengthen the apparently endless procedure of the divider developing. With each line, Hughes is squeezed to the side of the page, as though this divider is truly stressing him from composing. The divider appears to develop and develop everlastingly, until it at last contacts the sky. With the divider obstructing the splendid light, Hughes’ dream is uninformed. Supplanted by a shadow, Hughes pronounces: I am dark. This straightforward articulation not just alludes to Hughes’ circumstance in the sonnets setting yet in addition his being African-American. A sorry excuse for prejudice before long covers the nation. Through the initial four verses the mentality of the speaker is pitiful and harmed. The tone of the sonnet abruptly changes from being latent to dynamic. Hughes encourages his â€Å"dark hands,†his way of life and individuals, to â€Å"break careful the divider! †and help him â€Å"break this shadow/into a thousand lights of sun! †The â€Å"dark hands†can likewise be a reference to subjugation. Hughes accepts that despite the fact that there have been dull occasions, they can separate the mass of isolation to allow in the lights of correspondence. Hughes' utilization of the sun as the objective communicates the distance away the fantasy is yet how extraordinary an achievement this would be. This sonnet is an immediate similitude for Hughes' life and battle with prejudice coordinated towards African-Americans. His own youth scarred, Hughes would like to separate this mass of the commanding White America. With the help of the African-American people group, Hughes accepts that they can defeat bigotry and isolation for equivalent rights. Hughes, Langston. â€Å"As I Grew Older. â€Å"
Digital Divide Essay
The term advanced gap developed in the mid-1990’s to depict the hole that exists between people who approach innovation and those that don't approach (Eamon, 2004). PC innovation has changed current society in significant manners (Behrman and Shields, 2000). Regular society opens residents to innovation in some structure. Residents coordinate innovation into normal assignments, for example, marking into work, covering tabs, shopping, making good on charges, and in any event, perusing the neighborhood paper (Behrman and Shields, 2000). The expanding joining of innovation into society cause educational systems to be increasingly unfaltering about remembering innovation for each study hall. School pioneers for the most part concur that entrance to innovation plans understudies to prevail in the 21st century (Bell, Judge, and Puckett, 2006). Different specialists call attention to that expanding access to innovation in the study hall condition doesn't guarantee scholarly improvement. These specialists call attention to that there are cutoff points to the preferences that innovation offers. A meta-investigation by Crismann, Badgert and Lucking (1997) including 27 examinations concerning scholastic accomplishment of understudies who got conventional study hall guidance or customary homeroom guidance with innovation coordination demonstrated fascinating outcomes. All things considered, understudies accepting innovation implanted guidance accomplished higher scholastic accomplishment than 58. 2 percent of those in customary study halls (Page, 2002). The computerized isolate addresses cultural contrasts that correspond to the instructive results of understudies. Such contrasts raised worries about the development of the advanced gap between the kids on one side who are profiting by innovation and the kids on the opposite side who the absence of innovation get to abandons (Becker, 2000). Key Terms and Definitions 1. Application †PC programming; likewise called a program 2. Broadband †a sort of information transmission where a solitary wire can convey a few channels without a moment's delay. Broadband innovation can transmit information, sound, and video at the same time over significant distances. 3. Talk †ongoing, content based correspondence in a virtual domain 4. Computerized Divide †the hole between those with customary, powerful access to advanced innovations and those without 5. Computerized Technology †apparatus and PC gear utilized for commonsense and useful purposes 6. Learning Portal †any site that offers students and associations united access to taking in and preparing assets from various sources 7. Media †intelligent content, pictures, sounds, and shading 8. System †at least two PCs that are associated so clients can share records and gadgets 9. Online †a PC speaking with another PC 10. Internet (www) †a graphical Internet apparatus that gives access to landing pages made by people, organizations, and different associations Statement of Hypothesis Researchers characterize the computerized isolate as errors in innovation use and access in learning situations dependent on ethnicity and financial status (Pearson and Swain, 2002). Educational systems and government programs flexibly innovation hardware and programming to United States’ schools in exertion to close the advanced gap. Almost every school is currently furnished with PCs, and more than 66% of our nation’s youngsters approach at home (Shields and Behrman, 2000). Equivalent access and flexibly can't close the computerized partition alone. Educators need sufficient preparing on choice of innovation and coordination of innovation. Instructors, guardians, and understudies must become innovation educated so as to close the computerized separate. Audit of Literature Advantages of Technology and Academic Performance The advanced separation impacts scholarly execution since constrained understudy access to innovation limits encounters and information important to succeed scholastically. PC based innovation adds to children’s scholarly accomplishment. Analysts partner having a home PC to better scholarly execution (Jackson et al. , 2006). Schools assume a basic job in giving access to PCs to understudies who don't have home PCs. Instructors can profoundly affect the computerized isolate via cautiously analyzing how and when innovation use is essential. Customary utilization of innovation in the study hall straightforwardly adds to understudy accomplishment, both by making understudies progressively powerful in their learning and educators increasingly proficient in their instructing. Instructor training ought not concentrate on innovation alone, yet on its arrangement with the educational plan. All together for this arrangement with the educational plan to occur, more PCs must be accessible for understudies use. Innovation incorporated into the educational plan increments students’ time on task and broadens learning into the home, past the customary school day (Shield and Behrman, 2000). Study halls profit by the benefits of innovation if arranging is productive and powerful for a specific gathering of understudies. Understudies must comprehend that the utilization of innovation inside exercises bolsters profitability. Innovation is an instrument that understudies use for learning, examine, organizing, joint effort, media communications, and critical thinking. Innovation exercises must be significant and connecting with for understudies to improve scholastic execution. Instructors can move understudy gaining from retaining answers to inquiries to realizing how to discover answers. Exercises that urge understudies to utilize innovation outside of the homeroom, for example, utilizing the innovation lab, school media focus, or nearby open library get ready understudies for future instructive encounters. Utilizing innovation for scholastic assignments assumes a positive job in understudy accomplishment (Wenglinsky, 2005). On the off chance that understudies take part in real innovation upgraded exercises all the time, these exercises will offer understudies the help they have to become students that are increasingly capable and potentially restricted the separation. Restrictions of Technology and Academic Performance The level and nature of the understudy cooperations with innovation can restrict the scholastic points of interest that innovation offers. Understudies must have the option to utilize PCs for more than web-surfing, talking, game playing, and taking part in low-level reasoning exercises. Understudy associations with PCs must be quality connections that permit understudies to do examine and make unique sight and sound items. Albeit 99% of open homerooms approach PCs, numerous understudies are not fulfilling the innovation guidelines set by the National Educational Technology Standards (Morgan and VanLengen, 2005). While innovation opens understudies to exercises that permit them to utilize higher request thinking and critical thinking procedures, they despite everything like to take part in non-scholastic exercises on the Internet. Becker (2000) states that â€Å"most understudy Internet exercises were recreational in nature â€, for example, email, talk rooms, online games, web surfing, and tuning in to music†. Numerous children’s exercises on the Internet seem, by all accounts, to be for diversion purposes rather than instructive purposes. While the Internet gives understudies access to a variety of instructive apparatuses, it additionally gives them access to non-scholarly material. Educators regularly experience difficulty observing understudy utilization of fitting sites, electronic mail messages, texts, and live talk rooms. Without cautious perception, understudies can undoubtedly utilize educational time to get to material that is wrong for kids and won't improve scholarly improvement. Regardless of whether instructors appropriately screen understudies, they may not profit by approaching PCs in the homeroom. Research by Lilia C. DiBello (2005) states that numerous instructors have not been appropriately prepared to coordinate innovation in the homeroom. While educators might be OK with exploring different kinds of programming, they frequently experience difficulty executing the innovation to satisfy innovation guidelines (DiBello, 2005). Instructor planning programs presently require future educators to take an innovation course as a graduation necessity. In any case, innovation is quickly changing and educational systems offer scarcely any open doors that permit instructors to stay aware of the progressions current innovation brings. At the point when educators are not willing and not set up to incorporate innovation into their study halls, they regularly neglect to get ready understudies to perform genuine errands utilizing the PCs. Instructors frequently use PCs for low-level reasoning exercises, for example, drill and practice (Pearson and Swain, 2002). As per Pearson and Swain (2002), understudies in high-destitution schools use PCs for drill and practice 35% of the time, rather than understudies in low-neediness schools, who utilized PCs for drill and practice 26% of the time. Schools who are underneath the neediness line are additionally more frequently to utilize PCs for healing purposes rather than higher request suspecting abilities. Educators once in a while instruct understudies to utilize the PCs to responds to addresses that they ask, look into points, or to plan sight and sound tasks that harmonize with the subjects they have learned in the study hall. Significance of Closing the Divide The computerized partition exists both quantitatively and subjectively. Gillan (2003) upheld that quantitative holes exist in schools and families where there isn't sufficient access or time went through with innovation. Subjective holes allude to choice of fitting applications and quality preparing. Numerous investigations have made the determination that the key factor in shutting the advanced separation may not be get to alone. As years have passed, consideration moved away from who is associated with the subject of who is served. Consider that the upper-to-white collar classes are given excellent access to innovation since technologists are working diligently making â€Å"solutions†structured only for them. As per Morgan and VanLengen (2005), generally wealthy
Friday, August 21, 2020
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Dreams. The word reference's meaning of a fantasy is To have incredible desire or to truly seek after something. Indeed, I state make those aspirations a reality and expectation dynamic. Robert Ballards Lifelong dream was to locate the Titanic. For a long time the fantasy about discovering her ruled his life. In 1985 his multi year mission finished when he found the sloppy mass of the H.M.S. Titanic. What is your mission? Do you have a deep rooted dream? Is there anything :commanding your life enough to hold your consideration for a long time? Without a fantasy, life is immediately decreased to disheartening dark and weak white, an eating routine too insipid to even consider getting anyone up in the first part of the day. Dreams fuel our fire. The most limited course to ineffectualness is to begin behaving irrationally, consider each conceivable risk, take on risks, expect the wo...
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Eating Disorders, Periods, and Bone Health
Eating Disorders, Periods, and Bone Health Eating Disorders Symptoms Print Amenorrhea in Disordered Eating By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on March 11, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 19, 2020 Laurence Monneret / Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention Women commonly dread their monthly menstrual period (menses). However, eating disorder treatment professionals are usually thrilled when a patient’s menses return after it has stopped due to an eating disorder. Although amenorrhea (absence of a menstrual cycle for three consecutive months in a female of childbearing age) has been removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5 ) as a diagnostic criterion for anorexia nervosaâ€"and the resumption of menses is not the sole criterion for recoveryâ€"it remains a significant marker of the illness for many.?? It is important to note it is not only females that suffer from eating disorders, and males experience them at higher rates than were once thought. It bears noting that there is no equivalent to amenorrhea among males with eating disorders. Males often experience decreased testosterone, which can cause its own set of symptoms. This article, however, will address only amenorrhea. Eating Disorders and Amenorrhea 66 to 84 percent of women with anorexia nervosa experience amenorrhea, with an additional 6 to 11 percent experiencing light or infrequent menstrual periods. Approximately 7 to 40 percent of women with bulimia nervosa report amenorrhea.?? A younger adolescent may experience a delayed start of her first period as a result of an eating disorder. Amenorrhea occurs most commonly when the body is in a state of “relative energy insufficiency,†in which caloric intake is inadequate relative to energy burned. This disrupts the hormone cycle that regulates menses. Some girls with anorexia, however, continue to menstruate throughout their illness. Some girls stop menstruating before they start losing weight. Binge eating has also been found to cause menstrual disturbances. The cessation of periods in a young female with an eating disorder mimics the onset of menopause. Associated symptoms may include mood changes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, cognitive problems, and shrunken ovaries and uterus. One of the most significant effects of these hormone changes is osteopenia, a depletion of calcium in the bones. Depleted bones are a major concern because they fracture at higher rates. In the longer term, osteopenia may lead to irreversible and chronic problems such as osteoporosis (brittle bones).?? Myths About Getting Your Period Back Myth: Birth control pills can solve the problem of amenorrhea due to an eating disorder. Birth control pills are commonly prescribed in an attempt to restart menses and to minimize bone weakness. One study surveyed doctors and found that 78 percent prescribed birth control pills for their patients with anorexia nervosa. However, research shows that birth control pills do not help to reverse osteopenia.?? They cause only an artificial period and do not get at the heart of the problem or help with bone density. In fact, because the pills may mask the problem (lack of true menstruation) they are not recommended for purposes beyond birth control (non-menstruating sexually active females may still become pregnant). Myth: Exercise will strengthen the bones of females with eating disorders and amenorrhea. Although weight-bearing exercise usually helps to strengthen and build bone, this does not hold true for patients with anorexia nervosa. Misra and colleagues wrote: [Once] they become amenorrheic, the protective effect of exercise is lost. To date, there is no evidence that high-intensity exercise in the context of weight loss and amenorrhea is protective to bone mass in [anorexia nervosa].?? Furthermore, excessive exercise may lead to estrogen deficiency and amenorrhea, exacerbating the problem. The Truth About Getting Your Period Back The safest and most effective strategy to improve bone density in anorexia nervosa is returning to a weight that is appropriate as per growth chart and history, and natural restoration of menstrual function.?? In females, the bones will not grow stronger without adequate estrogen, which requires a resumption or initiation of menstruation. The only treatment for the resumption of menses is adequate and sustained weight restoration through refeeding and normalization of eating (including cessation of binge and purge cycles). In many cases in which patients have improved and have been presumed cured, amenorrhea persists. It may take up to six months for menses to resume after weight has been restored. Persistence of amenorrhea beyond this point may indicate the individual is not truly fully weight restored. A study by Faust and colleagues (2013) demonstrated that standard eating disorder treatment goals may be insufficient to resolve amenorrhea.?? This study notes: The standard treatment goal for adult patients is achieving 90 percent of expected body weight (based on body mass index, height, age, and sex).Among adolescents with anorexia nervosa in the study, the return of menses occurred on average at about 95 percent of expected body weight, “suggesting that as a minimum this weight target is necessary to restore menses in adolescents.â€They state, “Individual differences in weight trajectories should be taken into account,†(p. 5) ?many patients may have higher setpoints (and hence, weights at which menses will resume) than population averages would suggest.They point to other research that indicates that it is not atypical for adolescents to restore menses at weights more than 5 pounds above the weight that supported menses prior to the onset of amenorrhea. Unfortunately, for some patients, depending on the length, severity, and age at onset of illness, bone density may never be fully recoverable, but the chances are greatly improved by early and aggressive treatment. The Bottom Line In conclusion, loss of menses during an eating disorder is a significant cause for concern that is best remedied by prompt weight restoration, normalization of eating behaviors, and sustained nutrition. If you or someone you love believes she is fully recovered but is not experiencing menstrual periods, it is a good idea to try increasing weight and seeing if menses return. This offers the best opportunity for reducing lifelong debilitating consequences resulting from bone weakness.
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